Friday 19 August 2011


I'm writing this about 2 weeks after the events described actually happened. It won't take me long to catch up with life and then I can make this a more daily blog. 

It all started with Emma's birthday. Emma is my 5 year old daughter and party planning had been a nightmare.  I didn't want to buy a cake, I wanted to make individual cupcakes for each kid.  So I whipped up a practise batch and took them to work for judgement. There were already things that I had noticed wrong with the cupcakes, such as the papers looked untidy, the icing looked wrong and the cakes didn't rise very much.  But the cakes got the thumbs up at work so I began to study baking online (by which I mean reading websites and watching youtube). I read up on how to ice cakes and how to stop them sinking and a picked up a few tips from the more experienced bakers.

My First Cupcakes

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